Large guns
Among the cannons, two are notable, as based on their adornment and size and the Roman numerals and initials of the founder, they were cast in 1582 by Zuane (Giovanni II) Alberghetti, a member of a renowned Venetian family that was involved in this trade for generations. The length of the cannons is 350 cm, and their calibre is 9 cm. The guns from Alberghetti’s workshop have been attributed to the sacro type
The original position of the two decorated guns was next to each other, at the wester end of the site. This contributed to the interpretation of the position of the ship remains, as the guns could not have been in this position if they had been originally installed on opposite sides of a vessel resting upright on the seafloor. Therefore, the vessel rested on its side, and, as the large guns on merchant ships normally functioned as defensive weapons and were situated on a ship’s aft rather than its fore, the guns ended in the stern area.